On The Eleventh Day (E-book)

On The Eleventh Day (E-book)

It took her many years to find true love until Eli came around, predicting a great future. Covid 19 became the tragic news of two lovers waiting to see each other from 5,421 miles away on a plane. Time became their imaginable defeat, which became their moment of friendship. While Del struggled to balance her emotions, she found solace in another man’s arms, which only lasted a few weeks.
After a whole year of emotional breakdown, she decides to focus on herself rather than something that does not exist in real life (twin flame): spiritual love.
After the public menace, Del recovers and finds her treasure in Ghana. She finds him, knowing that Sally Joe is the universal law that makes her world complete. Everything happens on the eleventh day, but what really happened?
“What are we? Who are we? What is the purpose, and why do some people fail to recognize the true beauty inside us?” We judge without reasoning or knowing that someday, it takes a day to live or feel happy, the same day you get that one opportunity to make the most of everything you have. Love is without seasons, without questioning, and undeniably unjustifiable. That is love.


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It’s like delicious food

Avatar for Chidi Ezeobi
Chidi Ezeobi



Ruby is an incredibly gifted writer. She wears her vulnerability as armor, and bravely faces her fears with love. Something we could all learn from.

Avatar for Adam Serio
Adam Serio

Ruby simply pulls out ever crack and crevice of my soul, then she assists me by putting it all together.


Grateful. Ruby, I can’t thank you enough! Not just me, but, when my mom reads your work you have done for me, I can say NEVER have I ever seen my mom read so much at once. Yes, my mom reads the Bible, but, you opened her up in such a way that I will say you/your work is God sent.

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