“The Beauty of Africa”

In my heart, I had this desire to make a change, possibly not to rule the world but to invent the creativity to impact the world through writing. It hadn’t occurred to me at that moment that having a smile…
Her name was Esther, Part Two

Nia found love, a kind of love so beautiful and strong it could break the world unimaginable. Her passion is more vital than her own, for her vigor outstands her slightest idea of weakness and that being sorry was not…
“Letter to My Unborn Son”

Everything seemed so dim in the beginning. And Son, I knew you before the sun could even see sunlight. First, I thought it was a mere dream, a world so undeniably unreal. I will tell a story that I will…
” Her name was Esther” Part 1

Her name was Esther, the first girl who liked her, who said she loved her. In her cognizance, she thought, Oh, of course, she does. Nia didn’t understand what Esther meant by then. They met at the nail shop, and…
“The Dangers of Eating Canned Foods”

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom, Marcel Proust, a renowned French writer, and novelist. Today I will share the dangers of eating canned foods, dairy…
“What is Love?” often, the biggest trigger.

Love comes from different places, cultures, backgrounds, and religions. True love is unconditional, not the kind of love that fills a void or the love you pray for in a partner or the type of love you think you deserve.…
“After all, She Was Good” Part 2

Ava felt a sense of urgency, seeking advice from her best friend, Esther, who had faced a lot of displeasure concerning black love and relationships. For her, anything that has to do with black love trauma’s her past. For Ava,…
“After all, She Was Good”

Everything was going nice and beautiful until one day; Carl gave up on her since there was no chance he could be “lucky,” so Ava decided to stay away for her value, worth, and self-respect. For some time, Ava was…
“If Secrecy was a place, it would be Sex”

There was a connection, a type of chemistry so real and sincere, just like two happy lovers waiting to see each other. As time unfolds and the clock ticks, a knock at the door becomes their sudden beauty. She gazed…
“The Faded Glory”

Chapter 11 of Grace Has Found War (The Clock is Just an Illusion, not a real thing) I sat down in remembrance of the mistakes I have experienced, learned, and established. I’ve always known that someday, somehow, a day would…