Nia found love, a kind of love so beautiful and strong it could break the world unimaginable. Her passion is more vital than her own, for her vigor outstands her slightest idea of weakness and that being sorry was not her, but being determined was everything she knew.
For a moment, when she loved, it was bigger than herself and Dave. A profound love to turn ashes into wood and flames into happiness. Nia became the solace of her inner beauty and strength.
When Esther and Nia finally realized their queerness, they became best friends. They laughed and talked about everything, sometimes argued, disagreed, and didn’t speak for days but true friendship was their intimacy.
“Dave,” Nia called out while he was downstairs watching the basketball tournament. “Babe, let’s take a trip somewhere, maybe Puerto Rico, Jamaica, or the Caribbean.” Dave objected to being busy at work and won’t be able to. As loving as Nia was, all she wanted was someone to explore the world with her. For nine months, Nia always wondered if love was her for the time they spent together or was for him. She needed answers to the excuses, but she trusted him. They planned and finally decided to have a baby. They wanted things to work out, even though Nia knew Dave was subjected to alcoholism. She taught for a moment; “things would change for the better.” That may be all Dave needed was a good woman, but Dave was never satisfied with love, not even his own.
Nia knew Dave was emotionally and verbally abusive; she knew her language was different from his. She did not like the sound of his angry voice but was oblivious until it became a disease she couldn’t adhere to— she found herself in real distress, searching for answers she couldn’t find. The abusive, control, manipulative desires became Dave’s sudden mischief to take control over her with no family in a pretty new land; Dave was her only family. She stuck with him, endured the suffering, and although Esther was there for her emotionally, the wounds became her trauma, and her trauma would become the story of her life.
The pain and grief kept her silent; her cries made her more robust, and the birth of her son became her happiness.
She wanted to go back home to Ethiopia for many years; she wanted a feeling of belonging, so Nia planned and discovered her truth once again, that all the while, she needed a home, a continent, and her people.
For many years, Esther cried; she wanted someone to love, belong, and marry her. They were all searching for answers, praying that someday, sometime, their voices become noticeable. When Esther finally revealed her sentiments of finding someone, they were both fearful of something real. “When pain becomes your healing, it does not hurt anymore”. For them, the pain was their friend.
When Nia found out Esther was finally engaged and happy with herself and her man, Nia found happiness for herself and her sister. She discovered, after all, love is for everyone, and when it comes, it turns the clouds blue, and the earth becomes more beautiful. In that space, she decided to write the book of her life, ” A Tragedy for a Blessing.”

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