Tag poet
“A Good War”
She stood there watching Like the owl watches the night Like darkness befalls daylight Like the moon spoke different songs of languages How pitiful, they thought, crazy but with power so magnificent A power to break down walls From far,…
Good and Bad, it’s all Good
There are seasons Days, weeks, months, years There are winters (the snow days) The Sunny days The rainy days and nights The darkness, light There is an ugly and beautiful side to it all It’s how you choose to see…
Sweet Song of Her Life
Leaping, laughing, smiling Dancing thru the days Her spirit and her life Growing as she plays Calling to the endless wind Come, I have so much more Like the power of the endless waves Crashing on the shore Listen to…
Her name was Esther, Part Two
Nia found love, a kind of love so beautiful and strong it could break the world unimaginable. Her passion is more vital than her own, for her vigor outstands her slightest idea of weakness and that being sorry was not…
“Letter to My Unborn Son”
Everything seemed so dim in the beginning. And Son, I knew you before the sun could even see sunlight. First, I thought it was a mere dream, a world so undeniably unreal. I will tell a story that I will…
” Her name was Esther” Part 1
Her name was Esther, the first girl who liked her, who said she loved her. In her cognizance, she thought, Oh, of course, she does. Nia didn’t understand what Esther meant by then. They met at the nail shop, and…
“A Warrior Knows Another”
Suddenly, as the wind blows through the night without the announcement of its presence, She got into her car and drove. Not knowing her existence, her hands feel numb She foresees her hands in a dark luminous shade. They were…