Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom, Marcel Proust, a renowned French writer, and novelist.
Today I will share the dangers of eating canned foods, dairy products, and the health risks of consumption.
According to the Food and Drug Administration America, canned foods are good and bad for your immune and digestive system. In a country of almost 330 million people, out of every ten people I meet, hardly anyone talks about canned food products’ health risks.
I have understood that we live in a world of capitalism, and knowledge is far from education, culture, background, and ethnicities. It’s about experience, growth, and self-education. When you decide to learn and change your environment, you will.
The consumption of canned foods is highly considered in our generation. Everything has to be done quickly without considering its causes and effects.
For more than forty years, canned foods have been widely used by consumer products, such as the inside lining of cans, to prevent corrosion and breakages from keeping the food preserved for human consumption. According to the Food Safety United Kingdom, canned foods contain “BPA,” which stands for bisphenol-A, a human-made chemical industrial widely used to make hard clear plastic including food and drinks packaging, microwave ovenware, as well as milk cans.
Food Safety UK acknowledges that “minute” amounts of BPA can leach into food from boxes and packaging, but says the chemical is “rapidly absorbed, detoxified, and eliminated from the body and therefore “not a risk” to human health at current exposure levels.
However, the subject is contentious among scientists, and many people who consume canned foods daily are unaware of the exposure levels concerning the intake of canned foods? That “BPA” can cause severe cancer and lung diseases.
When we cook on the stove, chicken is fresh and suitable for human consumption, when preserved in the fridge for more than five days or more, it becomes defective as to the smell and taste of it, so how effective is canned chicken soup good for human consumption?
As a vegan, I do not consume meat because of the side effects and dangers that come with the consumption of meat products; that would be another topic. Think about it; these canned foods preservations are for months and years.
If fresh foods can go bad within a few days, we should ask ourselves what we are eating? The amount of acidity contained in our diet for almost a year may cause bone and muscle deterioration.
As an advocate for health and nutrition, I have realized that ten out of forty Americans do not advocate for the benefits of healthy living. ”
A healthy life is too expensive but cheap in the mindset. People buy cars worth thirty thousand dollars and can’t afford to buy healthy food?
Budgeting for a healthy lifestyle is much more satisfactory and beneficial to avoid hospitals and bills.
Now, a study published in the journal Environmental Research on Wednesday, June 29th, 2016, not only reveals that consuming canned foods can expose our bodies to BPA, it pinpoints the worst benefits of our health.
The study suggests that canned soups and pasta can expose consumers to higher concentrations of ‘BPA’ than canned vegetables and fruit — and although those foods tied to BPA concentrations, canned beverages, meat, and fish are not.
I think about it for a second, to read the news, you are misinformed, and to not read, you are uninformed (bias).
According to my research from the Book of Healthy Living by Jerry Reaves, it does not make sense; he stated, “it is baffling how many people lack the understanding to live a healthy, well-balanced life. That will provide optimum health and reduce the likelihood of suffering from preventable diseases associated with poor lifestyle choices.”
In my physiology, I can make the choices I make, and no one is responsible for them; we cannot give excuses for someone’s lack of knowledge. We cannot blame the government for providing poor foods for the less privileged because the average person does not have enough tools and education to learn or research independently.
The Food and Drug Administration researchers analyzed data, indicating that for each person who has eaten in the past twenty-four hours, Doctors can detect BPA concentrations in each person’s urine on the same day.
“Urinary BPA concentrations are evidence of BPA exposure,” said Jennifer Hurtle, a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University School of Medicine and lead author of the study.
The researchers found that people who consumed one canned food item in the past day had about 24% higher BPA concentrations in their urine than those who had not consumed canned food. The consumption of two or more canned food items resulted in about 54% higher concentrations of BPA. However, the scientific evidence that low doses can impact human health is growing.
In France, food packaging containing BPA got banned, although used in products made for export, following a legal challenge by plastics manufacturers.
According to Breast Cancer UK, there is “a significant amount of evidence” that even low-level exposure to BPA can affect breast tissue development. Some studies have linked contact with BPA to breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
Babies are not born fat, are they? And if they do, what foods are they eating or their mothers consuming?
We can control obesity when we eat healthily, but it has to come from the mindset, people with obesity visit hospitals quite often than people who live a healthy lifestyle.
Brian Steve, a novelist and writer, his background and farmed raised oriented highly suggest and implements that canned foods have to be banned because of the health risks that come with it. If we can focus more on fresh organic foods that give us all the health benefits and nutrition we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we will be more youthful and live longer.
In a world moving so quickly and rapidly, the easiest way is canned foods, microwaves and get it out of the way. Did you know that microwave takes out water molecules from our meals? Do we think about our health? Or just the easy way out?
Without fitness, there is no mental focus; without hospital bills, you can smile. I, myself I have not been to the hospital for the past seven years. When I was in my teens, I contacted H pylori, which came from highly contaminated food or water.
In the poor communities in America and beyond, led water is highly concentrated due to poverty and societal degradation. These germs enter your body and live in your digestive tract.
After many years, they can cause sores called ulcers in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. For some people, an infection can lead to stomach cancer. It results in our choices of foods and lifestyle.
Every fruit, herb, or vegetable can cure what we ought to seek in the hospitals. Not everyone can afford organic foods, but everyone can afford to make choices. Did you know that dairy products are bad foods that can cause indigestion compared to eating kale or beets? Including cheese, ice cream, milk, butter, and yogurt contribute significant amounts of cholesterol, sugar, and saturated fat to the diet. Diets high in fat and saturated fat can increase heart disease risk and cause other serious health problems.
A large study included 1,893 women from the Life After Cancer Epidemiology Study diagnosed with early-stage invasive breast cancer. Higher amounts of high-fat dairy product consumption associated with higher mortality rates. As little as 0.5 servings a day increased risk significantly. It is probably because estrogenic hormones reside primarily in fat, making the concern most pronounced for the consumption of high-fat dairy products.
The consumption of dairy products may also contribute to the development of ovarian cancer. The relation between dairy products and ovarian cancer causes the breakdown of the milk sugar lactose into galactose, which may be toxic to ovarian cells.
In a study conducted in Sweden, lactose and dairy product consumption positively links to ovarian cancer. A similar study, the Iowa Women’s Health Study, found that women who consumed more than one glass of milk per day had a 73 percent greater chance of developing ovarian cancer or hip fracture than women who drank less than one glass per day. Milk and dairy products are not necessary for the diet and can be harmful to health. It is best to consume a healthful diet of grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fortified foods, including cereals and juices. These nutrient-dense foods can help meet your calcium, potassium, riboflavin, and vitamin D requirements with ease—and without facing the health risks associated with dairy product consumption.
As Marcel Proust quoted, “let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

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Wow…that is scary information there. I hope people will read to know this. Thank you Ruby for the information.
Thank you Joe